Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This has been a weekend/day of champions, success, and victories! Not only did the Baltimore Ravens, our much beloved home team, go to the Superbowl, they went, played, and won it all! Now what could be more great than that, you ask? Only one thing can top that--and that one thing would be successfully building a virtual pyramid! Sounds silly you say...au contraire! My partner, Kate, and I shed blood, sweat, and tears into this little experiment. We had to understand the ways of the Egyptians and satisfy the needs of the King to create this beautiful work of art. If you had to go through the extremely painful 48-minute process of building a pyramid and then failing just to build it again, you would see how this is such an accomplishment. And the best reward for these kinds of accomplishments are the sweet and gratifying ten points you earn for completing this. Unfortunately, my group wasn't the lucky group that got those ten points, but at least nine points still taste just as sweet. What an interesting day of living like an Egyptian not so far away from home!

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