Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter 4 Study Guide

1600 – 1100 BC: the Mycenanean Age dates from around 1600 BC to 1100 BC during the Bronze Age. 

1200s BC: 1206 BC is the approximate starting date of the Bronze Age collapse, a period of migration, unrest and destruction in the eastern Mediterranean and Near East. Start of the Iron Age.

1150 – 750 BC: The Greek Dark Ages

776 BC: First Olympic Games

621 BC: Draco established the legal code.

600 – 371 BC: The archon named Solon brings BIG social reform to Athens; Spartan King Cleomenes I overthrows Athenian tyrant Hippias

594 BC: The archon named Solon brings BIG social reform to Athens.

508 BC: Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens

490 – 471 BC:

490 BC: Darius, king of Persia, invades Greece

480 BC: the Greeks defeat the Persians at Salamis

480 – 430 BC: Golden Age of Athens

461 – 429 BC: First Peloponnesian war, between Athens and Corinth-Sparta

447 – 432 BC: “Thirty-Year Peace,” initiated by Pericles, ends First Peloponnesian War

431 – 404 BC: Second Peloponnesian War

399 BC: Socrates executed for being impious and contributing to the delinquency of minors; Spartans was against Persians in Asia Minor

336 BC: Phillip II assassinated; Alexander succeeds him

Homer : A poet who told great stories involving historical events that occurred; author of the Iliad & the Odyssey.

Odysseus : A Greek king in the Odyssey; he was a hero

Zeus : Greek god; god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods

Athena : Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, warfare, and the arts; city-state named after her—Athens 

Draco : the first legislator of Athens in ancient Greece. It means lawgiver. He had a big part of the development of Greek government.

Solon : an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and poet

Pisistratus : a tyrant who ruled Athens during the most part of the period between 561 and 527 BC; he used a tall and beautiful girl to play Athena and make the people of Athens their king.

Cleisthenes : a noble Athenian of the Alcmaeonid family; credited with reforming the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing in 508BC; “the father of the Athenian democracy”

Darius (the Great) :  a tyrant king of Persia; led a war against Athens and lost

Xerxes : the son of Darius; led an army of 2 million men from Persia to fight Athens again and lost

Pheidippides : ran from Marathon to Athens to warn them about the Persians then ran to Sparta to ask for help; ran 140 miles in 2 days, a "marathon" was named after him and his town

Themistocles : on of history's greatest leaders; best leader for Athens if Persia attacked again; he used money to create the best ship possible, the trireme; learned how to be a leader through the democratic meetings in Athens; he had been ostracized and kicked out of Athens and later died in Persia

Pericles : Athens' new leader; a highly fit aristocrat; thought Athens' appearance should fit it high name; wanted to build a Parthenon; finished it in 15 years; inside was a 40 ft Athena and many sculptures of the people; had a relationship with a smart and classy prostitute named Aspasia; in an act of hubris, he attacked Sparta

Aristophanes : the son of Philippus; a comic playwright of Athens

Socrates : an ugly man but a great philosopher; a leader in the revolution of the mind; used reason and logic to understand the world; "the unexamined life is not worth living"; Socrates stood against killing Athenian war heroes; arrested for undermining the state's religion and poisoning the minds of the youth; he was put on trial; he demanded free dinners for life; he called Athens a lazy horse and himself a stinging fly; the court found Socrates guilty and condemned him to death by hemlock; he openly took his death

Plato : a student of Socrates; helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science

Aristotle : a student of Plato and teacher to Alexander the Great; one of the founding figures in western Philosophy

Alexander the Great : king of Macedon; student of Aristotle; created on the largest  empires stretching from Ionian Sea to the Himalayas; he was undefeated in battle and on of history's most successful commanders; he invaded Persia and conquered the Persian Empire; he died in Babylon in 323 BC

Monarchy : a form of government with king as head

Democracy : ruled by the people

Oligarchy : a small group of people having control of a country

Tyranny :  government ruled by a tyrant or dictator

Aristocracy : a form of government in which power is held by the nobility

1. to protect Athens - the Dealion League, and strengthening it's navy
2. beautify Athens and make it live up to its name - building the Parthenon
3. to make the democracy stronger - enhancing the democratic way

Sculpture : the art of making two or three dimensional forms - the vase and different pottery, statues

Architecture : the art of designing and constructing buildings - the Parthenon, columns

Drama : a play for theater - ancient Greek plays - tragedies (when someone dies) - comedies (a play that ends with laughter and a happy ending)

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