Monday, February 11, 2013

!Aliens and Greeks!

Today in class, we moved on from Egypt and into Greece. We started class off by talking about the Stonehenge. The Stonehenge was a magnificent and unusual megalith. A megalith is massive, rough-cut stone used to construct monuments and tombs. During class, we spent a good thirty minutes discussing how people of the pre-historic era could build such a thing. The rocks are 20 feet tall, surpassing any human height.And not only did these rocks stand on age, there were some that actually laid on top of others, almost creating an arc or gateway entrance type of appearance. So in these thirty minutes, we came up with different scenarios on how this could be possible. Mr. Schick said that they could have invented some type of rope pulley system but he still said that that would have to consist of an immense amount of strength that probably 300 men couldn't create. Our next option was animals, but we quickly ruled that out to the fact that these stones were much taller than animal back then. We finally came to the ruling that it was aliens. Aliens came down to Earth, stacked up a bunch of stones, and left, never to be seen again and leave us with this perplexing structure that is probably going to be used to signal war against Earth with extraterrestrial beings. After we talked about the Stonehenge, Mr. Schick introduced our new project. We have to make a Power Point about Greece and the Barbarian way of life. We also have to this in Google Docs, which is very difficult for my group because with everyone controlling the document all at once, everyone has a feel of overriding power. Just as my group began to solve this problem, the bell rang and it was left for another day.

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