Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Aren't You Astonished?

Today in class, we began watching a video on Greece. In this video, it went over the basic stuff that we already knew about. But there were a couple itty bitty bits that we took notes on. Eventually, Mr. Schick paused the video to tell us about one guy in the video that was going to use an astonishing amount of astonishes in the video. He-with the rest of the class joining him, willingly-made fun of this man's voice because it was awkward and high pitched. it was so hilarious. When we got farther in the video, we found out on very interesting thing. There was a man, his name started with a P but I forget what it was, wanted to be the ruler of the people so he simply used a tall and pretty girl and said that she was Athena. "This is Athena. She has come to down to be with me. This is a sign that I should be ruler....Make me your ruler!" And they people shrugged and simply responded, because they weren't smart enough to see it was a trick, "Okay." It was actually pretty smart and pretty stupid all at the same time. How astonishing!

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