Monday, March 4, 2013

More Greece & Kate's Birthday

Today we had a one hour delay for school. So that meant that we would start our fabulous Monday with Western Civilization one hour later than it actually should be. But no biggie. All we did in class was watch more of the Greece video. A new thing we learned was that after Pisistratis fell and his son Hippias took over as a more fierce and cruel tyrant, Greece's savior was our beloved Cleithenes. He helped the people take back power in their city and ruled fairly with his new governmental system of democracy. For the rest of the class, we continued taking notes until we had a like 10 minute discussion about how America isn't really a democracy. So all in all, we had a good class today. What really upset me today though, was the fact that Mr. Schick forgot that it was Kate's birthday and didn't make her wear the birthday hat. I was really looking forward to that. Oh well!

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