Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Socrates Leads to Gay Marriage

Today in class, we really focused a lot of our attention, actually, all of our attention, towards Socrates. Socrates was what people in Greece referred to as an "ugly being." But actually, Socrates was one of the best philosophers of ancient Greece--and maybe even time! Socrates used logic and reason to understand the world around him. One of his most famous quotes shows that; "The unexamined life is not worth living." After Athens lost the war against Sparta, they searched for someone to blame for their failure instead of ruining the name of Athens. Guess who they went to blame? That's right, Socrates! Socrates was arrested for undermining the state's religion and poisoning the minds of the youth. Then, they put him on trial which took place in the local marketplace and the people as jurors. Instead of asking for forgiveness and pleading that he wouldn't speak out against the state again, Socrates decided to say that Athens was a big, lazy horse, and he was a stinging fly. He also said that he deserved free dinners for life for being so great and speaking his mind. But unfortunately, the court found him guilty and he was condemned to death by hemlock. He gladly took his death, while still speaking his mind, saying that the human mind should always be challenged.

This whole conversation of Socrates lead to a great debate at the end of class. Mr. Schick tried to get us to act like Socrates and make us speak our mind on how we feel about gay and lesbian marriages. In the beginning, we started off saying that we don't care because it doesn't affect us and they have the right but then things got interesting. Drew actually turned it around and actually made us think and defend our statements. He said that it was okay for gay couples to get married and all of that but thing was that it was awkward to see them engaging in the open and it made you feel awkward. I didn't say anything myself because I believe that gay couples should have the right to get married because it's not fair how they aren't aloud to marry because they are attracted to the same sex. Marriage isn't for male and female connection, it's a symbol and action of undying love. But that is just my opinion. Others can disagree. So it actually was a very heated class today.

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