Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yesterday In Western Civilization

Yesterday I forgot to put my blog up and I just remembered today, so here I go. Yesterday, we continued on with the rest of the Alexander the Great presentations. We had discussed when he invaded India, his death, and then his ruling style. When Alexander the Great invaded India it was 327 BC. And guess what he wasn't expecting when he got there. Elephants! Crazy, right? During this battle, Alexander lost his horse, Bucephalus. It was tragic. But before he invaded India, his army didn't want to attack. They wanted to go home back to their families. But Alexander convinced them to go on. Even thought they went on, many died and they had to retreat because the Indian army was so strong. After we learned about India, it was my turn . Alex (haha! how funny is that) and I went and talked about his death. It was pretty funny because at one point we were just stuck on the topic of honey. After us, though, was Alexander's ruling style. We he invaded a country, he at first tried to make peace with them, which I would say is a pretty smart idea, but if those people attacked, he would kill all the men and then put the women and children in slavery. Next we found out about the Hellenistic Era, where Macedonia ruled for the next 200 to 300 years. That was pretty exciting. It was all pretty exciting! After we finished with the power points, we started the movie Alexander The Great. We watched the scene where Alexander tames Bucephalus! It was awesome!

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