Friday, February 15, 2013

The Chapter One Test

Today in class, we got out chapter one tests back. While handing them back, Mr, Schick told us that he would ring the bell whenever someone got an A. After going through almost 2/3 of the class, he finally rang then bell. Once for Kate, once for me (GO ME!), and one more time for Ali. After handing back our test, Mr. Schick told us that it was very important that we keep these in a safe place because we would definitely be needing them to review for the finals in June. When I heard that, I looked down at my test to see what was my score and what ones I got wrong. Surprisingly, I only got one question wrong. That was number 25. The question was; This is when Upper and Lower Egypt were united under one king, or "pharaoh." The options were A-200,000 BC; B-11,500 BC; C-3100 BC; D-2555-2532 BC. I chose D, but I was most likely thinking about the dates of The Great Sphinx. But the answer was actually C. With getting only one wrong and getting 5/5 on my short answer and 20/20 on my essay, I got a score of 97%! And I also got two "likes" on my page. But this test was just the beginning of many!

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