Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back To Business

Today in western civ., we went back to our usual routine. This time, Mr.Schick was here and not ditching class. We first began class with a couple students taking the pop quiz that we had last week. After those students finished and Mr. Schick collected their quizzes, we actually went over the quizzes. He put the question up on the projection screen and asked us what we picked as the answer. When we would say our answer, Mr. Schick would either look at us like we were dumb and it was the most pathetic answer in the world, or he would yell loudly that was obviously not the answer. With that kind of response, us students felt intimidated and changed our answer. Mr. Schick didn't like that. He made us stand our ground and commit to our answer even if he made it feel like it was wrong. In the end, our original answers were actually the correct ones. After the test, we broke out the notebooks and began taking notes from a power point about Ancient Egypt. And with that is how we ended class.

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