Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On The Third Day...

Today in western civ., we began our third class. It wasn't that different from yesterday's class, really. In the beginning, it was a frantic and unexplainable battle with Mr. Schick and a couple students on allowing them to get their jackets to protect themselves against the some-what blistering cold. Mr. Schick pondered the thought, "Should I? Should I not?", but eventually he gave in. After the students were blessed with the warmth of their jackets, we continued taking some notes while following the video with John Green. At one point, we paused and had an interesting talk about, dare I say, chickens. We were talking about how they were genetically altered so that they could be bigger breasted and have skinnier legs and feet, when in the past, chickens actually did not look like how they look now. They use to have slender bodies and their bodies were evenly proportioned. After that little talk, we continued with more notes from the video and then, even though i forget how we even came to the topic, we began to talk about school and what it would be like if we had 3 to 3 weeks or 10 to 3 weeks on and off of school. After we began to really get into this topic, the bell rang and that was the end of class.


  1. hahaha "Should I? Should I not?" best line ever.

  2. Haha Kate!! I just thought it would...."lighten the mood" idk anymore..
