Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mr. Schick-Marked Absent!?

For western civ. today, all of us students went to our usual room where we have class (127), but before the bell rang, Mr. Schick's daughter came in our class and said that today we would be in a different room. I was certainly surprised because I wasn't expecting that. As we left the classroom, I saw on the door that it said we would be in room 114 with a substitute because Mr. Schick was out. When I read it, I felt kind of dumb for not seeing it. Anyway, we went to room 114 and we picked random seats, mine, in the back room in the back with Kate, Ali, and Rachel. After we got situated, our substitute called roll, with every student present and replying "here." After that, she told us that Mr. Schick left us an assignment to do in class on his blog. We all went to the blog and saw that the assignment was to read LO3 and take notes. Also if we didn't finish in class, we had to do the rest for homework. I finished on pg.25 so I only have 4 more pages to read. Hurray!

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