Friday, January 18, 2013

Today In Class...

Today we began Western Civilization with Mr. Schick. When we started, we picked seats for class. Then, we received our Western Civilization text book, which is quite big and heavy. Also, we learned to create a new blog and what we have to post on it and when. So every day when we have a class, we have to post a blog on what happened in class. We also found out that Mr. Schick is a cool dude and is also very funny. He puts everything in a funny way. We also found out that if we do our blogs every day, we will most likely pass the class. Also, we got an assignment that we had to do about “Guns, Germs, & Steel” through our new text book. That is just our first day of Western Civilization…

1 comment:

  1. Great start, Tona. Is it possible that you actually like writing? It seems like it from this blog. Good work.
