Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Roman Empire Struggle - After The Pax Romana

Today in western civilization, we started on another section that focused on Christianity within the Roman Empire.
  •  In the 3rd century
    • Disease spreads throughout the empire.
    • Too hard to defend the frontier against barbarians.
    • Emperors lost their hold on power.
      • Stayed in power on average of two and a half years.
    • Expensive army maintenance.
    • Too much poverty.
  • 284 AD - Diocletian's reforms
    • Increase the size of army to 400,000
    • Divide Roman territories into smaller provinces.
    • The new government had 20,000 officials.
    • More efficient at collecting taxes.
  • 300 AD
    • 60 million people in Rome
    • Several million more Christians
    • Christianity has appealed to the poor.
    • More Christians > more talks & more conversations > more children
    • Christians gaining powerful positions, becoming ruling elites.
  • Persecute
    • Diocletian (284 - 305) left Christians alone at first.
    • Then he undertook the most systematic persecution of all.
    • Constantine ruled as emperor (306 - 337)
    • The Diocletian Persection - Diocletian issued a series of edicts demanding that Christians comply with traditional Roman religious practices.
    • Edicts targeted the clergy and demanded universal sacrifice.
    • Constantine converted and was made a saint.

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