Monday, May 13, 2013

Test Tomorrow With Sample Quetions

First in class today, we got our 5 question quiz back that we took on Friday. I had only got one question wrong because I got confused with Peter and Paul but it's okay because I know what the correct answer is now. After we got those back, Mr. Schick told us to write down some question for the test that we are going to have tomorrow because he might use them on the test. Some questions that I came up with were:
  1. The survival of the Roman Empire depended on what among nearby and distant people across which Hemisphere?
  2. What is the meaning of Romanization?
  3. Who were the Gentiles?
  4. What were the two roles of Jesus?
  5. Who were the apostles?
  6. What happened to Paul that made him change his ways against the Christians?
  7. What is the doctrine that God determines in advance who will be saved and who will be damned?
  8. Who was Diocletian?
  9. What did Diocletian do to Christians?
  10. Who was Constantine?
  11. What happened to Constantine before he went into battle?
  12. What did Constantine see in the sky before he rode into battle?
Now, I didn't know if these questions were good or not but I thought they were pretty nice.Now some questions that other people came up with were:
  1. What did Constantine do to reform the Empire? -- He made Christians feel more welcome and no longer persecuted.
  2. How long did the Pax Romana last for?
  3. Who took over after Augustus? -- Tiberius Caesar 
  4. What revaltion did COnstantine have? -- He saw the cross in the sky
  5. Where did Constantine see the vision in the sky? -- The Battle of Milvian Ridge
  6. What did Constantine do before he went into battle? -- He and his army painted crosses on their shields
  7. What does Gospels mean? -- Good News
  8. What god did the Christians have to give sacrifice to? -- Jupiter
  9.  Who create the fires in the Imperial Palaces? -- They never found out who create the fire and just tortured the Christians anyway
  10. What was the religion Jesus born into? -- Judaism
  11. What was the religion that Constantine's mother born into? -- Christianity
  12. The new government under Diocletian had how many government officials? -- 20,000
  13. What were three problems in the Roman Empire? -- the epidemic disease, they couldn't defend the frontier against the barbarians, and the emperor's could hold onto power, and too much poverty.
  14. Explain who Christianity appealed to? -- it appealed to poor people, because they were more vulnerable, and the other gods mostly appealed to higher people in power
  15. What did the Edict of Milan do? -- tolerated diversity in religion
  16. Who create the Edict of Milan? -- Constantine
  17. What is an edict? - an official law
So later I am just going to study these questions and some notes and I hope I do well on the test tomorrow.

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