Monday, May 20, 2013

Absent Kids Take A Pop Quiz

Today in class, we--well I really shouldn't say we, but the absent kids--had to take a quiz on the barbarian people. But the sad part is, they never even learned this stuff. I wonder how difficult this was for them. Who knows but them, right? After they took the pop quiz, Mr. Schick gave us our Rome III tests back. I wasn't sure what I got at first, but apparently, I did well, because I got a ding from the bell. My actual grade was a 86, but since Mr. Schick bumped everyone's grade 4 points, I got a 90. YAY!! I actually only got 3 and a half wrong on this test. The questions I got wrong were:
  1. What years did the Pax Romana begin and end?--27BC to 180AD
  2. Around 300 AD, how many people lived in the Roman Empire?--60 million
  3. Constantine ordered the capital of the Roman Empire to be moved from Rome to another city, which was eventually named Constantinople. What was the name of this city before it was renamed?--Byzantium, which was later named Constantinople, which is current day Istanbul
  4. What was the purpose of the Edict of Milan?--Freedom to worship for all religions

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