Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Starting A New Chapter

At the beginning of class today, Mr. Schick handed back our Chapter 5 test on Alexander the Great. I really thought I had gotten a hundred. But unfortunately, I didn't. I got one answer wrong, which was Name two of Alexander's significant battles. I did. I gave Granicus and Secretariat. Unfortunately, one out of those two were wrong. Instead of Secretariat, I could have had the option of putting down Gaugamela, Hydaspes, or Issus. Because of my wrong answer, I got 5 points taken off and instead of getting a 75 out of 75, I got a 70 out of 75, which resulting in me getting a 93. But hey, at least it's still an A. After that, we moved on to our homework which was to read pg. 88- 94 and write down some important information about that. Because Mr. Schick and the rest of the class didn't know how we wanted to go about this, Mr. Schick just went through most of the lesson and pin-pointed material that he thought would be important and might be on the test. Instead of typing everything he said on my blog for today, I decided to highlight the things he said in the textbook because that would be easier for me. But in the end, I did have to add some stuff to my old blog I put with my homework because it wasn't mentioned in the book. Even though we didn't finish the whole lesson, we did get through a great portion and shouldn't have as much to do tomorrow.

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