Sunday, April 7, 2013

Notes For Alexander The Great

·         Parentage
o   King Phillip : Alexander’s father
§  Birthplace : Pella of Macedon
§  King from 359 BC – 336 BC (assassinated)
§  While held hostage, he learned military and diplomatic education
o   Olympias : Alexander’s mother
§  Originally a princess
§  Arranged marriage to King Phillip
§  She though Zeus was the father of Alexander
§  Horrible relationship with Phillip
§  She was born around Macedonia but she wasn’t a true Macedonian
·         Early Years
o   344 BC – a dealer gave Phillip a black horse but when Phillip refused to take it, Alexander said that he would tame the horse
§  The horse was afraid of its shadow
§  Its name was Bucephalus
§  Mythical – it was better than a Pegasus
§  Alexander had the horse for the rest of his life; rode it into battle and war
o   Education
§  Tutored by Leondias
·         Math, horsemanship, archery
§  343 BC – tutored by Aristotle
·         Rise to Power
o   Phillip II was assassinated in 336 BC in Macedon by Pausanian
§  One theory was that the Persians persuaded Pausanain
§  Another theory was that Pausanain had a loving relationship with Phillip – GAY
o   Family Relationship
§  Bad relationship with his father
§  Took the throne after his father died
o   Assuming Power
§  People doubted him
§  He was 20
§  People plotted to overthrow Alexander, so he had them executed
§  His plan was to conquer most of the land
·         Military Career
o   Fight the Persians
§  Revenge of King Phillip
o   Battle if Granicus River
§  335 BC : Alexander crossed Hellenspont
§  334 BC : fought Troy
o   Siege of Halicarnassus
§  Fought in 334 BC
o   Egypt
§  Stronghold of Gaza
§  Fourth assault they took over
§  Men were killed, women and children were sold into slavery
§  Alex let Egypt live, but simply pay taxes
§  Egypt made him Pharoah
·         India
o   Alexander marched into 327 BC
o   He invaded Punjab
o   326 BC – forces met at Porus
§  The Indians fought on elephants
o   Alexander’s horse died
o   Revolt of the army
§  Macedonians fled after hearing about the elephants
§  He talked to General Coenus
§  Malli – most war like Indians
§  Thousands of soldiers died in Gerdosian Desert
o   Returning home
§  Hydaspes + Indus Rivers
·         Death
o   When?
§  Alexander the Great died either on June 10, 323 BC or June 11, 323 BC
§  He was only 32, a month away from being 33
o   How?
§  The death until this day is still a mystery
§  One theory to his death is that he drank poisoned wine
§  Another theory is that he got sick with malaria and then died
§  The idea that he engaged in a large drinking party was one thought
§  People also think that since he drank so much and had bad wounds that his health was not the best
o   Where?
§  Alexander died in the palace of Nebuchanezzar II, in Babylon
o   Why?
§  Roughly 14 days before the death of Alexander, he entertained admiral Nearchus, and spent the night and next day drinking with Medius of Larissa. Eventually, he developed a fever, which worsened until he unable to speak.
§  One theory was that people thought that he had been poisoned. The belief is that Antipater arranged for Alexander to be poisoned by his son, Iollas, who was Alexander's wine-pourer. Suggestions rose that Aristotle may have participated in this act.
o   Aftermath
§  His body was laid in a gold sarcophagus, with honey, and then put in a gold casket.
§  On the way to his funeral, his sarcophagus was taken to Alexandria and his was replaced with a glass one so they could make coins with it.
o   If He Didn’t Die
§  Historians believe that Alexander wouldn’t have lived much longer than he did.
§  His next plan, though, was to conquer all of India and then head back towards Europe.
·         Ruling Style
o   Treatment of Foes
§  He tried to make peace, but if they attacked, he would kill the men and sell the women and children
o   Hellenistic Era
§  Macedonian rule for the next 200-300 years
§  The purpose was to combine Greek and Persian ways and cultures
o   Succession
§  Division affected Macedonians
§  Macedonia unity collapsed after 40 years

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